Kawida Lodge

OA Dues & Thundercard

Enter your first name
Enter your last name
Enter your primary phone number
Enter your primary email
-- Select
Are you a youth or an adult?
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Which unit are you registered with?
If you're not sure, you can find it on my.scouting.org or check with your unit leader.
If you hold a leadership position in your unit, enter it here
Enter your house number and street name
Enter the city for your mailing address
Enter your state as a two-letter abbreviation: KY
Enter the zip code for your mailing address
-- Select
Choose your current level of OA membership
Where did you complete your Ordeal?
Enter the date you completed your Ordeal: MM/DD/YYYY
If you are a Brotherhood member, enter your ceremony date: MM/DD/YYYY
If you are a Vigil Honor member, enter the date you kept your Vigil: MM/DD/YYYY
Let us know where you're interested in serving!
Example areas: unit elections, service, cooking, events, registration, Elangomat, ceremonies, dance team, drum team, training, banquet, membership, awards, leadership.